Jul 31Liked by Meredith Angwin

My town was sued by the Conservation Law Foundation, not once but now twice! As a result of one of the suits, we are now sewering our town. It is going to take us 30 years to do. The CLF is now suing us that our sewer plant is not big enough. It is like they are never happy enough that we are sewering our town as a result of their suit. I am not saying it is not a good idea. But the CLF is like a wrecking ball in our town. And we have the first industrial wind farm...whose blade fell off after 6 months or less installed. I think another blade fell today. So that is 2 disintegrating blades out of 30 blades. Welcome to green energy.

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A new technology has been invented that cleans sewage and is a battery as well.

Apparently people think science and technology stand still.

Bloomberg the Billionaire, teaches how to be a mayor at Harvard .

If a mayor has a really bad problem he’s been know to help them like build a new sewer plant .

Look at Bloomberg’s news on fixing the environment and making EV’s look at what smart businesses people and companies are doing all over the world that Bloomberg news reports on .

ESG’s are improving the world everywhere the money goes .

Now what are oil companies doing ? They are green washing hydrogen . Their profits don’t go to fixing anything .

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Oil wont go away. It is needed to make the wind turbines that are designed to eliminate it. The structure requires it to create the concrete. The gear boxes require it for lubrication... gear boxes that need periodic oil changes. The blades require it to keep the weight manageable... Get rid of oil and we eliminate international travel, or the mass which container ships can transport etc

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Thad, you are banned from commenting. I do not appreciate when people decide to comment on EVERY post. That is being a troll.

You also throw in all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with the post or any reasonable comments. For example, gun control. I never write about gun control, people don't comment on gun control on an energy post....but there it is in your comments. Simlarly, ESG's? Hydrogen? Israel and Hamas? You just want to say controversial things, whether they have anything to do with the subject or not.

I simply don't have time for this kind of correspondence.

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Jul 31Liked by Meredith Angwin

Lawfare is a key component of the Climate Action Playbook (tm). More of this will be coming unless people who are opposed stop standing still and allowing these kicks in the groin to keep happening. Great piece.

I plan to cover some aspects of effective lines of resistance in the coming months.

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Aug 1Liked by Meredith Angwin

So can I sue the state of Vermont for closing Vermont Yankee?

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I have thought of that but I sadly don't think it would work. VY was closed down before Vermont made its pledges about greenhouse gases.

But that does bring up an interesting problem. Vermont is not meeting its pledges. It can be sued.

How far back are the lawsuits allowed to go? Just as far back as the lawsuit law was passed? As far back as the pledges were enacted? The end of the last Ice Age glaciation?

Enquiring minds want to know.

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Weaponizing the legal system is a perversion of justice.

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Simply excellent, Meredith, and I used a bit of your post to make another:

Lawfare Launched by by NGOs and the Trust-Funder Class Are Destroying America, Including Our Energy Security


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Thank you!

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Aug 2Liked by Meredith Angwin

“These laws set goals that are impossible to meet, but you can be fined for not meeting them.”

Oh my. The absurdity knows no limits.

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Aug 1Liked by Meredith Angwin

I'll take "Politicians who think they can change the laws of physics" for 200, Alex.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Meredith Angwin

It's hard to imagine anything more punitive than to pass a law setting impossible goals and then imposing fines for not reaching them. It's sadistic.

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The amazing part is California didn't come up with it first.

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Speaking over government oversight of energy policy, see this article (and the report embedded) about how green plans dictated by Beijing created an energy crisis is most of China in 2020-2021. https://www.oxfordenergy.org/publications/chinas-power-crisis-long-term-goals-meet-short-term-realities/. After which, china had to go crazy building more coal plants (95% of all of the new coal plants in the world) https://www.carbonbrief.org/china-responsible-for-95-of-new-coal-power-construction-in-2023-report-says/

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Jul 31Liked by Meredith Angwin

Nice post, Grandma! Thank you. As I recall, an important message from your "Stasi" post was that Trump nor Biden (now Harris) are not threats to democracy, but that laws that cannot be enforced are (you called them "heads I win, tails you lose."

Thanks again!

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CFL lawsuits 2Xed Seabrook Nuclear Co$ts == EVIL! China#1 is eating our lunch. While CHINA#1 controls at least 80% of world Solar Panel Production using Uyghur Geocidal Slave Labor to produce Panels at a $Cheap Prices to Fish Scale Flyover country with unreliable Grid destroying Electricity needing 100 % backup. usa is SIC and the IRA needs to be repealed. 2022 and still TRUE == https://www.public.news/p/ban-chinese-solar-genocide-panels

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Aug 1Liked by Meredith Angwin

There actually was a lawsuit by the MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Company against the State of MA seeking damages from the state for driving up the cost of the Seabrook Nuclear plant. The town of Ashburnham was the lead plaintiff. The lawsuit was unsuccessful however on sovereign immunity grounds.

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Liked by Meredith Angwin

Brainwashed Cline==As long as CCP employs Genocide it is good. Humans recycle well especially a bad class and race of them? dose???

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Jul 31Liked by Meredith Angwin

I just had to get in on these comments... not lawsuit related - except Bloomberg and his philanthropy have backed many of them, and the comment Bloomberg teaches mayors... why would that be - does he teach them the right way or his way?.... He is not all bad I am sure... there is a lot he does for people, but remember there is no free lunch they will all have to pay the piper some time!

Now on recycling - it is an absolute joke in this country - lots of talk and much recycling is shipping our junk to 3rd world counties - so don't believe all you read. And many recycle people are pretty much the trash of the world themselves! You are what you do!

Have you ever thought of this - oil, methane and CO2 (plants recycle) are all natural substances, out of the earth back to the earth - just as they have been doing for millennia now. It's what we make with them - like solar panels and wind turbines are the interlopers and man made... that's the trash we can't recycle!

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I might be for this if the “defendants” in any lawsuit were the politicians who voted to impose these requirements instead of the State and its taxpayers. Make them personally liable for failing to achieve the goals for which they voted.

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totally agree, personal responsibility for elected officials is the missing ingredient in all of these processes. if their own necks are on the line, I assure you their behavior will change, as will the laws they enact

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I ran across these statements in my reading today, and was struck by how pertinent they remain today, despite they're having been uttered in 1787.

The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessings of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood: if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes, that no man who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.

James Madison, Federalist No. 62

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We are living at the beginning of an Ayn Rand novel…

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